9 Charming Butler’s Pantry Ideas for 2020

Even though the contemporary butler’s pantry does not include a full tuxedo-wearing staff, the classic concept has found new popularity recently. Traditionally, the butler would use the pantry for storing expensive silverware and china. The wait staff would know how to organize the butler’s pantry. Today enjoy a practical and luxurious kitchen upgrade with these […]
How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel

Getting ready for your dream kitchen can be a daunting task! Kitchen renovation can take weeks from start to finish. During the remodel you will need to move your kitchen appliances, furniture, and valuables into storage. Additionally, you may need to stay at a friend or family members’ home during the build. However, keep in […]
5 Ways To Find Inspiration For Your Kitchen Remodel
You’re tired of your kitchen. It just doesn’t work for you anymore. You’ve saved some money and now it’s time to make a change. But how do you know where to start? IT can be pretty overwhelming, so finding inspiration for your kitchen remodel is the first step to realizing your dream. Ask questions Make […]
4 Best Lighting Trends of 2019
Need to illuminate your kitchen and add a bit of modernity to it? Lighting is a simple and often cost-effective way of changing your décor. But where to start? If you’ve visited any lighting store, you will see just how overwhelming the choices are. To help you find the right décor for your kitchen, we’ve […]
4 Ideas To Improve Your Kitchen Flow
Love looking at your kitchen but not actually being in your kitchen? Have you invented a new kitchen dance anytime you need to share your space? Then it’s definitely time to improve your kitchen flow. Designated areas If you’re a coffee lover, it just makes sense to have all your coffee supplies in one location. […]
The 3 Best Ways To Invest In Your Kitchen
You’re ready for a change in your kitchen. You’ve saved up and are ready to start spending. But where do you start? Before you start signing cheques, take a minute to understand what are the best ways to invest in your kitchen. Countertops Your countertops will be the focal point of your kitchen. Waist-high, they […]
5 Tips On Hosting A Summer Party In Your New Kitchen
Congratulations! You’ve slogged through the toil of renovating your kitchen. Your cabinets are gleaming, your countertop is pristine, and you’re ready to unveil all the hard work. It’s time for a party! We hope these tips on hosting a summer party will help keep the vibe relaxed yet festive. Simple eats A sit-down dinner in […]
4 Kitchen Design Fails You Don’t Want To Forget
History has a habit of repeating itself. This is true for everything, including kitchen décor. While you might want to close the door on past kitchen design fails, it’s important to remember them so that they aren’t repeated in the future. Beige appliances Somewhere in time, appliances were made out of a beige material. Similar […]
4 Best Natural Cleaners For Your Kitchen
We all want a clean kitchen but turning to harsh chemicals isn’t the best way to achieve this. Not only are they bad for the environment, but they are also costly. Instead, you can use natural cleaners for your kitchen. With just a few ingredients from your pantry, you can have every surface of your […]
5 Tips On Using White In Your Kitchen
Using white in your kitchen is a tried and tested décor theme. It instills a bold brightness in your room. White is inviting because it is fresh and alive. It shows that you have nothing to hide and that you want the kitchen to be the focal point of your home. If you’re not sure […]