Custom Kitchens Toronto

Five Kitchen Design Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Five Kitchen Design Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Mistake One: Not Accounting For Walking Space The first (and most common) mistake comes from not leaving yourself enough walking space. At the very least, you need to have enough room for two humans to fit comfortably in walking paths. If you don’t think you’ll need cooking buddies, people might still need to walk through. […]

How Long Does a Kitchen Remodel Last?

How Long Does a Kitchen Remodel Last?

Kitchen remodeling projects are some of the most exciting parts of homeownership. It’s your opportunity to make a piece of this house truly custom. You can say the same about bathroom remodels, but those are a different story. But when it comes to going through with it, you have to have an expected timeframe for […]

Five Eye-Catching Master Bathroom Renovations

Five Eye-Catching Master Bathroom Renovations

As we reach warmer months, the idea of bathroom renovations becomes more appealing. If you’ve been thinking about a new renovation, we’ve got some ideas that will help your bathroom stand out. Many of the renovation ideas on this list combine functionality with beauty.   Just because you don’t spend much time in your bathroom […]

Tips for Painting Over Dark Walls With a Light Color

Tips for Painting Over Dark Walls With a Light Color

If you happen to have a dark room that shouldn’t be dark, painting over them with a light color can be complicated. Dark walls in kitchens don’t always fit with your preferred aesthetic. If you want to paint over dark walls with a lighter color, there is a few step process you need to follow. […]

The Five Advantages of Choosing Custom Cabinetry

The Five Advantages of Choosing Custom Cabinetry

 Whether it be for kitchen renovations or a unique bathroom, custom cabinetry is a great way to renovate your kitchen. It is one of the most expensive parts of your kitchen remodel. Choosing something that everyone else might be tempting, but it rarely gives you that unique flair you want. In the rest of this […]

Is it Expensive to Move Plumbing in a Bathroom?

Is it Expensive to Move Plumbing in a Bathroom?

The cost of any bathroom remodeling project can add up pretty fast. When it comes to maximizing space potential by relocating fixtures, you might feel yourself start to sweat. So let’s break it down. Is it expensive to move plumbing in a bathroom? The average cost of gutting your plumbing system and moving everything about […]

High-Gloss vs. Semi-Gloss Paint – Which is Better?

High-Gloss vs. Semi-Gloss Paint – Which is Better?

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of paint available. If you are painting a kitchen or bathroom, you can let your imagination run wild with colors. While you might want to yell out “blue” and just be done with it, there’s more to selecting a paint than color. In this article, we plan […]

Seven Beautiful Kitchen Colors For You

kitchen colors

The color of a kitchen creates a unique feeling for the room you cook food in. For the most part, it tells people that you probably like that color for a kitchen. But kitchen colors create specific experiences and design preferences. That’s why we have seven different colors you can choose to inspire ideas in […]

Five Ways To Improve Kitchen Functionality

Five Ways To Improve Kitchen Functionality

Good design ideas aren’t just for making your kitchen look good. In most cases, kitchen designs combine usefulness with beautiful design elements. The best types of design combine form and function in a seamless transition. If you are looking for ideas on how to improve your kitchen functionality, check these out: Drawer-based spice inserts Integrated […]

Six Different Types of Kitchens

Six Different Types of Kitchens

Kitchen layouts come in a wide variety of options. A complete kitchen is different for every person, but how do you select a design that works for you? In this article, we will go through six different kitchen designs you should consider.  #1: U-Shaped Kitchen Large kitchen spaces have the potential to be incredibly efficient. […]