Your kitchen is in desperate need of a face lift. It’s old, dated, and very uninspiring. Now is the time for a kitchen reno, but you’re not sure how to actually afford one. Here are a few easy ways to save for your next kitchen reno.
Create a Plan
Renovating can be impulsive, but the more practical you are about it, the more you can save. Instead of diving in, look ahead and create a plan. If you’re ready to overhaul your kitchen, plan on starting work in at least a year. This may seem like a long time, but it will be worth it in the end. Go over every inch of your kitchen to decide what can stay, what needs to go, and what can be repurposed. Maybe you don’t need to replace all of your appliances. Or maybe the cabinets can be painted or refaced instead of having new ones installed.
Once you have a plan, start to create a budget. Price out both low and high-end versions of each element that needs work. This way you can get an overall idea of the range of what you will need to spend, and you can adjust it to what you can actually afford.
Finally, look at what needs to be done right away and what can wait a bit later. If your fridge works just fine, keep it and wait until it breaks to get a new one. If your light fixtures are still working, keep them for a bit longer before you upgrade. Not everything has to get done right away.
Ask for Help
Chances are someone you know will have some trades experience. Whether it’s a plumber, electrician, or carpenter, perhaps you have a friend that is willing to do some work for free or at a discounted price. Maybe you can trade your own professional expertise for a project they’re working on. Better yet, look at what work you can take on yourself. Tiling can be relatively easy, and so is painting. There are many online videos that can take you through the steps. Remember, though, that some elements of a kitchen should be done by a professional. Countertops need to be cut accurately to work and if you have no electrical experience, you don’t want to accidentally set sparks flying.
Do Your Research
There are many ways to save on materials with your kitchen reno. If you have a small floor, you could probably find a few boxes of tile for a reasonable price. Check your local listing for re-store places that sell used or returned building supplies. The more adaptable you are, the more you can save. Remember that creativity is often the key to saving money.